Full-Depth Reclamation (FDR)
Recycle Your Asphalt Road or Parking Lot with Full-Depth Reclamation
When a road or parking lot is cracked or distressed throughout, it often makes sense to use full-depth reclamation (FDR) as a method to repair the pavement. FDR involves recycling the existing pavement structure (asphalt, rock and soil) in place with equipment that grinds the asphalt and underlying base, then mixes the recycled material with cement powder and the proper amount of water (activating the cement) to create a new, ultra-stable base that will serve as the structural foundation for a new layer of asphalt.
Environmentally Friendly and Cost Efficient
FDR is greener, quicker and more cost efficient than completely removing and replacing the pavement structure because most of the existing pavement is being reused and not sent to a landfill or being replaced with new stone base material. The addition of the cement to the underlying base creates a stronger base, especially when combined with the recycled rock and asphalt pavement material. Another benefit is that vehicles typically can travel on the material shortly after the construction process because there will not be a steep drop-off and safety hazard like in removal and replacement. As a result, the process is more efficient than removal and replacement and more construction can be completed per day, cutting down the amount of time that an area has to remain closed.
Stewart Brothers is a leading provider of full-depth reclamation in the metro Atlanta area. If you have a severely distressed road or parking lot, talk to us about how FDR can use your existing surface to create a strong and solid foundation that will maintain structural integrity for years to come.

Contact Us
If you would like to learn more about full-depth reclamation, contact Stewart Brothers today to request a free quote. Our experienced team is ready to discuss your project.